Musical settings of Thomas Traherne
Erin Aas (b.1974)
What Hand Divine?
The work is a setting for men’s choir and cello of Thomas Traherne’s poem The Rapture.
Sweet Infancy!
O fire of Heaven! O Sacred Light!
How Fair and Bright!
How Great am I,
Whom all the World doth magnifie!
O Heavenly Joy!
O Great and Sacred Blessedness,
Which I possess!
So great a Joy
Who did into my Armes convey!
From GOD abov
Being sent, the Heavens me enflame,
To prais his name.
The Stars do move!
The Burning Sun doth shew his Love.
O how Divine
Am I! To all this Sacres Wealth,
This Life and Health,
Who raisd? Who mine
Did make the same? What Hand Divine!
Recorded: The piece was recorded by the Compline Choir of Seattle, Washington with Page Smith (cello) and released in 2015 on a cd entitled What Hand Divine.
A performance given by the Compline Choir with Page Smith (cello) may be heard on the choir’s website (http://www.complinechoir.org) in a podcast of the Office of Compline for 7th February, 2016.